If you are interested in organizing a screening, please contact:

Austin, Texas
Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar
7:00 – 9:00pm
Presented by Third Coast Activist Resources

Montreal, Quebec
8.29.08 – Montreal World Film Festival
Premieres at 7:20pm
8.30.08 – Montreal World Film Festival
Encore Sreening at 12:30pm
Both screenings will be exhibited at the Cinema Quartier Latin (Theater 14)

Cinema du Parc Montreal
09.05.08 through 09.10.08
Every evening at 8:50 pm

10.10.08, Friday
3:30- Roosevelt University
430 S. Michigan Ave. Room 224

6:00- DePaul University
SAC Building 2322 N. Kenmore
Room 161 Schmitt Academic Center

10.11.08, Saturday
12:30- Facets Multimedia
1517 W. Fullerton

3:30- University of Chicago
DOC Films
1212 East 59th Street

3:30- Columbia College
Residence Life
731 S. Plymouth Court
The Lobby "Court"

4:00 -University of Illinois at Chicago
Student Center East
750 S. Halsted
Cardinal Room 329

Attention! Location changed!
New York City

6:00 – 9:00pm
Cantor Film Center
36 East 8th Street
New York, NY 10003

Champaign, Illinois
7 pm
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Cancellation! The organizer cancelled this event, not the filmmaker or presenter. We will try to find venues for future screenings in L.A.
Los Angeles, CA
University of Southern California
Check back for Details Soon

Pasadena, CA
7 p.m.
Fuller Theological Seminary Travis Auditorium
180 North Oakland, Pasadena, CA
Contact: Allen Corben,

Austin, Texas
7 pm
University of Texas at Austin

New York City
6 pm
Pornography! A Panel Discussion
NYU, Jerry H. Labowitz Theatre for the Performing Arts
1 Washington Place, 1st Floor

Panelists include:
Price of Pleasure director Chyng Sun
Museum of Sex curator Sarah Jacobs
Pornified author Pamela Paul
Fleshbot editor Lux Alptraum
NYU student Brett Mayfield

Reno, NV
Nevada Coalition Against Sexual Violence Conference.
Check back for Details Soon

Santa Cruz, CA
11.12.08, Wednesday
7:30 pm
Quaker Friend's Meeting House
225 Rooney Street off Highway 1 Morrissey Exit mountain side of freeway.

Minneapolis, MN
11. 21.08, Friday
3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Augsburg College
Room 123 Science
2211 Riverside Avenue
Contact: Women's Resource Center,
Jessica Nathanson, ,
(612) 330-1528

New York City
02.11.09, Wednesday
7:30 pm
Brecht Forum - http://brechtforum.org/events/price-pleasure

Los Angeles, CA
02.26.09, Thursday
7 pm
University of Southern California
(Current students, faculty & staff only)

St. Louis, Missouri
03.02.09, Monday
11:00-11:50 am
St. Louis Community College-Meramec
(A speech without pornographic images)

New York City, NY
03.06.09, Friday
4-6 pm
United Nation
Commision on the Status of Women

San Francisco, CA
03.12.09, Thursday
7 p.m.
The Green Arcade bookstore
1680 Market Street @Gough
Contact: Patrick Marks,
(415) 431-6800

Chapel Hill, NC
March 27, 2009
University of North Carolina, Gardner 105

McAllen, TX
April 2, 2009
South Texas College
"Sex Slavery in the 21st Century" conference

Memphis, TN
April 3, 2009
White Privilege Conference

New York, NY
April 18, 2009
Sat, 12-2:00 PM
Left Forum Conference
Pace University
(across from City Hall)
One Pace Plaza
Three Generations of Women Explore the Price of Pleasure in Pornography

Iowa City, IA
April 22, 2009
University of Iowa

Toronto, ON
April 26, 2009
5 p.m.
Toronto Women's Bookstore
73 Harbord Street

Fresno, CA
May 1, 2009
California State University-Fresno

Houston, TX
Houston Community College
screening "The Price of Pleasure" (11 a.m.) and lecture (12:45 p.m.)
Contact: Ann Bragdon,

St. Cloud, MN
09.30.09, 6 p.m.
St. Cloud State University, Ritsche Auditorium
Screening "The Price of Pleasure" and discussion
Contact: Andrea M. Lawrence Wheeler,

Millersville, PA
Millersville University

10.14.09, 12:30 pm
Screening Mickey Mouse Monopoly

10.14.09, 2:15 pm
Screening Beyond Good and Evil

Portland, OR
Roots of Change: Men, Sex and Justice
34th National Conference on Men and Masculinity
screening "The Price of Pleasure" and discussion

Akron, Ohio
11.12.09, 2:30 pm
Department of Sociology
University of Akron, Ohio
Daniela Jauk,

London, Ontario
November 26, 2009, 7 p.m.
London Convention Centre Theatre
Contact: Megan Walker, [email protected] 

February 1, 2010
2-4 p.m.
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Contact: Zixu Ha Ha, [email protected]

February 1, 2010
7 p.m.
Pasco, WA
Columbia Basin College
Contact: Keri Lobdell, 

February 9, 2010
8 p.m.
Raleigh, NC
North Carolina State University  
Contact: Tricia Smar, 

Boston, MA
Boston University
Details TBA
Contact: Amanda,

Cambridge, MA
March 10, 4-5:30pm
Office for Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
Harvard University
731 Holyoke Center
1350 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 384-9081
Contact: Sarah Rankin

Corpus Christi, TX
May 20, 2010, 7 p.m.
Del Mar College Economic Development Center
3209 S. Staples
Corpus Christi, TXTopic: Screening of “The Price of Pleasure” and discussion
Contact: Rhonda Williamson, [email protected], www.thewomensshelter.org

Camp Lejeune, NC
May 25-26, 2010
Topic: Pornography
May 29, 2010

New York
UNANIMA International conference
Topic: Pornography
Contact: Catherine Ferguson, [email protected],

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